CV White Quote: "Committed people command respect"

Being committed is a vital part of adult success. If you are not a committed person it interferes with every area of your life. You also expect commitment from people in your circle of life. A committed friend, a committed spouse, a committed parent, a committed aunt, a committed uncle, a committed family member, a committed employee, a committed group member, a committed team player, a committed roommate etc., shows that you have the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support some people, groups, or things. People are drawn to committed people, they have a tendency to trust them and they are able to get people to follow them into committed areas. Make sure that you know the challenges that face committed people. For example, being committed does not mean that you have to be a bad steward and spend carelessly, if your funds are already committed to family expenses, do not redirect them to other committed activities of less priority. You should not have to compromise one thing for another they each have a proper place in your life. Go ahead, commit to something, but make sure you start with you. Commit to your education, income, wealth, health and the desires of your heart. Caterpillars are committed to becoming a butterfly. They won't change their mind or quit, they are committed to become.
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