Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Adult Wisdom – Is Seeing Believing?

People can see harm coming and not believe it.  Recognize the truth in harmful people, products, circumstances and situations. It has been suggested by some people that seeing is believing but I want to suggest that we can see things that are truth and still not believe.  We can see something different from what it really is therefore seeing is not necessarily believing. All of us have our definition of beautiful, ugly or ugliness but sometimes in our mind we change the definition of things because we want a different outcome for ourselves, it does not happen that way, you can try to change the definition in your mind but it will not change the reality of the thing nor will the outcome of the thing change. Just to help your understanding in how this happens, the definition of ugly according to the free Merriam Webster dictionary is 1 Frightful, dire, 2 Offensive to the sight, hideous, 3 Offensive or unpleasant to any sense, 4 Morally offensive or objectionable (corruption—the ugliest stain of all), 5 Likely to cause, 6 inconvenience or discomfort (the ugly truth), 7 Surly, quarrelsome (an ugly disposition).   Sometimes we will witness the ugliness of situations and circumstances that happen to other people when they make particular decisions and we can plainly see how horrible the outcome is based on the decisions that they made to do certain things.  Yet, we find these things pleasant to us and to some of us they are beautiful.  This causes us to choose the same path even though we have full knowledge of the devastating outcome.  Another example is when a manufacturer of a particular item can present something as beautiful to us and in the same breath or sentence tell us how much harm it could cause us, yet we see that not as a warning to us to stay away from it but an invitation to try it because we will like it. Well how much do we like ugly?  I have not known any person in my lifetime to tell me that they really love ugly or ugliness according to the definition I just gave.  Is what you see in this caterpillar what you believe it to be, if so you have not seen the final product.

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