Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Growing Up Types – Irritating People – Dealing with Irritating People

Have you ever run into people that just seem to be an irritant? If so, be nice to them because they are in their process of becoming a better person and what you can contribute with your wonderful attitude can help them make the needed changes. Many times they don’t know what kindness looks like and you can show them. They have never been spoken to with softness and concern and you can show them how it is done by how you handle them. What a wonderful attitude to have when you are willing to help someone become who they really want to be - no matter how abrasive their attitude and behavior may be."

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