Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

First Impressions are lasting, let yours and mine be of love becasue love never fails

         This flower is a Jonquil spring's first impression
The reason we do a particular thing is because we love to do it.  Have you ever heard someone say "I hate to do this but",  no, what they really mean is  I am loving this, but because they know that this does not feel good to you, they want to buffer you so that you will still love them.  This is not always bad. Sometimes people that love you have to be tough on you in order to get you to grow up naturally or spiritually.  They don't hate doing that, they love doing that because the reason behind it all is love. However, they do wish that you would do what is right and in order so that they will not have to be tough on you.  Remember, everybody wants to be loved and if you practice love as a part of your lifestyle you will find that love never fails.  If you want to know how to make love a lifestyle check out my book, "Winning Battles With Love"  the following is a passage from the book.
First of all, the war is won but we as believer are going to have to fight some battles. If we want to succeed in winning any battle, we must begin with love. We must begin our conversations with love in mind. Operating in love is a lifestyle not just a state of mind. God began everything with love in mind. Love is the highest form of actions that God uses to get desired results. He saved the entire world with love. Love is a part of who God is and He does nothing without love in mine.

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