Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Running out of Time?

CV White Quote:  (The Greatest way to manage time is to never touch the same thing twice)

Many times people run out of time to do all that they want or desire to do because they create so many not so obvious time sealers.  One of the most common time sealers is touching the same thing more than one time.  An example of that is taking off your jacket and not putting it in its proper place.  It belongs in a closet on a rack or where ever jackets are kept.  If you take it off in the kitchen and lay it on a chair that is the wrong place.  It took you some time to move the jacket and you lost time every time you moved the jacket.  Now that it is time to cook something you do not want to get food on the jacket so you take it from the kitchen and place it in the living room on the sofa, later you decide to read a book, however your favorite place to read is the sofa so you move it to a chair, as you finish your reading time a family member comes in to speak with you and now you decide to put it where it belonged in the first place.  You have wasted so much time moving that one item and if you do that with other things such as dirty dishes you will find yourself out of time to do what you need or want to do because now you have to clean up all of these items that a laying around when you could have touched it once and removed all of the extra pick up chores.  Many times you can't remember where you left it last if you should need it before you put it in its proper place, now you spend extra time trying to find it.  How many times do you touch things before you eventually put them where they are normally kept?  Touch it once and save time. Put it in its designated place the first time you touch it and you will find that it is so much easier and quicker to clean your private space and so must easier to find things.

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