Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Growing Up Types: The Frustraton Factor

The Frustration Factor

CV White Quote: “People tend to think that everybody is like them and that they want what they want or that they should respond the way they respond. That is certainly not true, but if it were, who can stand that much of themselves?”

Impatience of other people choices, personalities and differences is sometimes fueled by ignoring the differences in a person or a group of people.  When you think of not tolerating the ways of another person or a group of people, do you asked yourself why?  If you do not, you will find yourself frustrated and seriously considering challenging people or persons in areas where change is not going to happen.  Expecting people to respond to you the way they respond to you is the beginning of the development of the impatience factor.

Most people may not like the things that you like and that should be fine with you. But it is usually not because that requires stepping outside of your comfort zone of your general and normal constructed box based on your own personal and behavioral system. Let us look at some examples:

1.    Do you buy gifts for family and friends based on what you like or what they like?  If you do, you may find your gift packed away in a closet waiting for a yard sale. This causes frustration because you were waiting on them to tell you how much they liked the gift when they did not like it at all but you loved it.

2.     Perhaps you have heard someone tell a joke that they thought was extremely funny when they heard it but when they told it nobody laughs. That can be frustrating because you thought that was very funny.

Every person on the planet is different. You should ask them what they want or like before you buy a gift. Or, you can watch them and see if you can find out what they like if you want your gift to be a surprise.  It is OK to be different because everyone is different. But it is not OK for you to expect people to be like you.  This is one frustration that you can get rid of forever if you let people be who they are and you be who you are.

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