C. V. White
Quote: (When you fail to plan financially you plan to go into someone else’s
Does Loan Me Mean Give Me?
Some people have not learned the
difference between a loan and a gift. Lend
me and give me are two different things. The difference is a life skill that
should be learned as a child.
Have you ever heard a child say to a
parent loan me a dollar or let me hold a dollar? It may be a different
statement depending on what state you live in but for a child it literally
means give me. They know if they say
lend me it is different from give me. But they are thinking that they will have
a better chance of getting it if they ask for it as if they were going to give
it back. They know that they do not have
any income except an allowance if their parents are parents that give
allowances if not; they have no way to give it back. Therefore, they know that
their parents have that information as well.
If their parents do not teach them the difference between loaning a
dollar and giving a dollar, they grow up to be adults with that kind of
understanding. Adults are expected to
have the desire to pay back money or any item that they borrow, however persons
that were not taught the difference as children, still ask to borrow when they
really are asking for it to be given to them.
Once the loan transaction is made they are very relaxed about giving it
back if they ever do.
This is more common among family and
friends but some people have this attitude when they borrow from
institutions. If you ask some of them
that do this, they may say something like I am not working to pay bills I am
working to live. The truth of the matter
is that you are working for the lender if you borrow. What you are literally saying to a person or
to an institution when you borrow is “I am committing my future earning to you
and when I get my check you get yours first”. If that is not the understanding
that a person has they do not know the difference between borrowing and giving.
Sometimes people will have the money to
pay their debts but they do not because they are still operating out of the
mind of a child expecting adult results.
The adult reality is that if you go to family and friend too many times
to borrow money or anything else and do not make a practice of paying it back
they will not continue to loan you things, and when you really want a genuine
loan there is not one available.
Thank The LORD for you cause you is always talking about me, all I can do is laugh,to see how immature I use to be and bow I am still growing up.It feels good to grow and be teachable. Thank for letting the LORD use you.