Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Growing Up Types – When does No mean Yes?

"Adult Wisdom – Adults must learn to say no when no is appropriate. Many times people say yes to things that they do not want to do. They may even hate to do what they said yes to. Often times they don’t want to hurt some ones feelings or they may be afraid of losing a friend. Sometimes it’s wanting to be loved and other times it’s wanting to be a part of a peer group. But whatever the reason let your yes be yes and your no be no because you can never say yes and mean it if you continue to say yes when you really mean no."

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