Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Growing Up Types – Plan of Goals of Life

Adult Wisdom – Have a plan for your life. Make it in increments of five or ten years. Where do you want to be in five or ten years? If you don’t have a plan you will never know if you made it. Butterflies always have a plan, it is the same plan but it always works and they know when they get there."

Monday, January 22, 2024

Growing Up Types – Wait to speak –

 Adult Wisdom – Do not become angry quickly. Anger in itself does not cause problems but what you say and do when you are angry will causes big problems. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. I have never seen an angry butterfly. I have seen angry insects but never a angry butterfly.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Growing Up Types – Sweetie is Sweeter

Adult Wisdom – If possible do not use hot harsh words when talking to people because harsh words stir up anger. Have you ever watched a butterfly fly or land then you know how peaceful they are.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Growing Up Types – Who Blamed You?

Adult Wisdom – Blaming other people for your problems will keep the problems around.  Do you know people that always blame other people for their problems? Nothing that happens to them is ever their fault, they won't admit to being any part of the problem.  The Monarch butterfly has to migrates 2500 miles in the winter to Mexico or California for two reasons. They cannot withstand freezing weather in the northern and central continental climates in the winter. Also, the larval food plants does not grow in Mexico or California, so the spring generation must fly back north to places where the plants are plentiful. If this butterfly decides not to migrate because they do not want to travel 2500 miles one way in the winter and another 2500 miles back in the spring, that decision will cause them to start to die of the cold temperatures in their northern feeding grounds or of starvation in the warm climate of Mexico or California.  Whose fault is that? If a butterfly want to be successful in its reproduction process it have to take the responsibility of its decisions. Either one of these decisions can be disaster or life for them, therefore they must make the decision to migrate to survive. If they do not they cannot blame anyone but themselves for the results.  Blaming other people is immature and you cannot get adult results with immature actions.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Growing Up Types: Do what you want taught!

Do what you want taught!

 CV White Quote: “If I see you doing something that works and I need that to operate in my life, you have just taught me a good lesson.
Most of the time teaching is done by talking to people and that is one way to learn but the best lessons are learned by watching what people do.  If you want to know the truth about a person just watch what they do. Also, if you watch long enough you may see something that is working well in their lives and then you can get the same result if you do what they do to get that result. But you do not have to spend the time that they spent to learn to do it.

One of the things that parents in my generation use to say to us their children, “you do what I say, not what I do”, but sometimes they would do opposite of what they said to do.  It could have been something good or bad, it did not matter to us. We consistently did what they said while they were watching. However, when it came to setting a pattern for our adult life, we did what they did and not what they said to do because that was what we saw working in their lives good or bad. And if it was OK for them, it was OK for us.

As an adult, you have to understand that what you do has a great impact on people and will influence people more often than what you say.  For instance, it you tell people that you lead (family, work or friends) that they have to be on time because of a time agreement that was made or because an event that starts at a particular time and you are never on time for anything nor do you keep your appointments that you personally make by being on time they are not going to listen to you.  More than likely, they will be late arriving to appointments because they see that it was not important enough for you to be on time so why should they have a problem with anyone about being late.

These is a hint to adults that want to teach a good lesson to children or adults, say and do what you want learned and you will usually get the desired results.  Let what you say be what you do and that will be taught by saying and doing. This is a stronger lesson than just doing.