Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Growing Up Types – Irritating People – Dealing with Irritating People

Have you ever run into people that just seem to be an irritant? If so, be nice to them because they are in their process of becoming a better person and what you can contribute with your wonderful attitude can help them make the needed changes. Many times they don’t know what kindness looks like and you can show them. They have never been spoken to with softness and concern and you can show them how it is done by how you handle them. What a wonderful attitude to have when you are willing to help someone become who they really want to be - no matter how abrasive their attitude and behavior may be."

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Growing Up Types - Is Peer Pressure?

Do not submit to peer pressure and let other people influence you to do what they do. People will encourage you to change your attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to theirs, this is also a possibility of social groups such as clubs etc.  I remember that as being called trying to be like the Jones'. If you cannot afford to spend money at this time on something that you do not need, then don’t spend it just to be like someone else. You have a will and you should not let anyone take control over your will to choose.  If you desire to be rich, then work toward that; do not let anyone talk you out of it because that is not want they want for their life. This caterpillar knows that it cannot be like any other, it must become the butterfly that it is designed to be.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Adult Wisdom Get Up Early

It is not wise to sleep late every day, this type of activity will keep you poor.  You cannot get anything done if you do not get up and go looking for it.  It does not matter what it is, it may be a job, it may be a bargain or whatever.  If you are a sleepy head person and refuse to get up every day until noon, you will never get what you are going after and you are certain to be poor, even beggars know to get out early to ask for a hand out. How long will you sleep your life away? You will not be able to accomplish what you desire for your life if you will not get up early and look for it.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Growing Up Types – Do you know You?

Adult Wisdom –  CV White Quote: “Know yourself better than other people know you”.
That requires you to be honest with yourself. One of the best ways for people to take advantage of you emotionally, financially and socially is for them to know more about you than you will admit about yourself. So if you know who you are, how you act and what you will or will not do, it is hard for anybody to use your denial functionality against you. Don’t be in denial about issues in your life and don’t let others intimidate you because of who you are.  Just be you, that is the best person to be. One of the greatest ways that people manipulate other people to get them to do things that they may or may not want to do is by preying on that part of the person that they will not admit exist in their lives or personality.  For instance, if you are a person that will not admit something like loneliness, you know that you do not like being alone, then what is needed for you is to find healthy ways to satisfy that need, not try to pretend that it is not there.  If you do not admit that about yourself to yourself then a person knowing that about you will be able to profit from that need by getting you to do things that you should or should not do by creating a fellowship situation for you that will cause you to spend money, time or resources that you do not have just to be in their company, or to do things you should or should not do just to have people around you.  You say how can they do that?  Well they can invite ten people to the movies and say to that lonely person, we all want to go to the movies be none of us have money, now you volunteer to pay for all ten when all you have to do is call one friend and invite them yourself.  Or you may have a car and most of your friends do not, and every day you get a call asking for a ride somewhere and now you have become the community taxi service, but not one of them is offering you any money for gas or for the wear and tear on your car, as a result you have no time to do the simple things you need to do to keep your life going and your money that used to be plenty is now short when all you had to do is join a hobby group of some kind, doing the things that you like to do and meet them once a month or when they have special events.  You may even consider joining a church, they have activities that will provide fellowship and keep you busy.  Know yourself and let that be OK with you. If you want or need to change something, do so, if not just be you without any denials.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Knowing the End Result Can Help You Make Good Decisions

C. V. White Quote: "One bad act can wipe out years of character building."

Knowing the End Result Can Help You Make Good Decisions

Sometimes it is difficult to see what the end of a decision is going to be if you have no examples of the results of people doing the things that you are about to make a decision to do.  However, there are other times when you can know exactly the end results of a particular decision and yet not think that can happen to you. There is a thin line between wanting and having especially where there is more than one possible outcome. 

For instance, if you do something that you know will cause you some kind of trouble, you may reason that if you get caught you will get special favor and not have to pay the price. However, you realize that there is a price that should be paid and that price is very unpleasant, dangerous or maybe even requires incarceration of some kind.  As an adult, you have to count the cost and decide if you are willing to take the risk of the worst case being the judgment that you will have to face, if it is not then why take the risk. 

Many times people believe that they will get away with some things because they saw or heard of some else getting away with that same thing.  That is a childish attitude; children will sometimes point out to their parents what a sibling, a friend or a neighbor did to get the parents to overlook something that they did wrong.  However, that never works because the parents know that the child has to deal with what they did wrong and get that corrected.  It does not make what was done a right thing to do just because someone else did it.  Therefore, you cannot assume that your judgment for what you do that is bad or evil will get you the same judgment that someone else received good or bad.  You can work on your character for twenty years and commit one bad act and wipe out all of your accomplishment to set your life in the order you desired in one day.  You have twenty years of good character reports and if you need a character reference you can ask almost anyone you know and get a good one. But when you make a decision to do something bad,  thinking that you will not get caught or you will not get the worst end of the deal, you have to count the cost seriously and ask yourself if you want the result that you should get for doing that particular thing. 

If you make the decision to go ahead to do what you planned then you risk losing everything and having to start over, you can’t blame anyone, nor can you point out what someone else did as your defense.  Parents are forgiving of their children because it is their job to teach and train them when they do things that need correcting, but adults are not so forgiving, if you commit the crime they want you to do the time.  Parents are the safety net that children have in place to protect them when they come to them with that foolishness, but adults do not have that safety net in place and what they do will not be overlooked because of what someone else did or did not do. 

Once your character is damaged, you have to now look for someone who likes you and will give you a good character reference based on your relationship with them and not on your character.  Count the cost and make decisions that will keep you out of trouble and move you forward, not decisions that will shut you down or send you backwards.  Your time is valuable so use it wisely and try not to lose it because you think you will not get caught.