Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Growing Up Types – Do you know You?

Adult Wisdom –  CV White Quote: “Know yourself better than other people know you”.
That requires you to be honest with yourself. One of the best ways for people to take advantage of you emotionally, financially and socially is for them to know more about you than you will admit about yourself. So if you know who you are, how you act and what you will or will not do, it is hard for anybody to use your denial functionality against you. Don’t be in denial about issues in your life and don’t let others intimidate you because of who you are.  Just be you, that is the best person to be. One of the greatest ways that people manipulate other people to get them to do things that they may or may not want to do is by preying on that part of the person that they will not admit exist in their lives or personality.  For instance, if you are a person that will not admit something like loneliness, you know that you do not like being alone, then what is needed for you is to find healthy ways to satisfy that need, not try to pretend that it is not there.  If you do not admit that about yourself to yourself then a person knowing that about you will be able to profit from that need by getting you to do things that you should or should not do by creating a fellowship situation for you that will cause you to spend money, time or resources that you do not have just to be in their company, or to do things you should or should not do just to have people around you.  You say how can they do that?  Well they can invite ten people to the movies and say to that lonely person, we all want to go to the movies be none of us have money, now you volunteer to pay for all ten when all you have to do is call one friend and invite them yourself.  Or you may have a car and most of your friends do not, and every day you get a call asking for a ride somewhere and now you have become the community taxi service, but not one of them is offering you any money for gas or for the wear and tear on your car, as a result you have no time to do the simple things you need to do to keep your life going and your money that used to be plenty is now short when all you had to do is join a hobby group of some kind, doing the things that you like to do and meet them once a month or when they have special events.  You may even consider joining a church, they have activities that will provide fellowship and keep you busy.  Know yourself and let that be OK with you. If you want or need to change something, do so, if not just be you without any denials.

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