Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Avoid the Opportunity Killer

CV White Quote:

( A Big change is not always better but a change for the better is always Big)

One of the Greatest ways to miss an opportunity that you never expected or did not plan is to not submit to the authority over you.  Most people will admit that they will submit to authority when they have no problem with what is being asked or they agree with what is being asked of them.  Not many, however, will say that they are willing to submit to authority when they disagree with what is being asked or when they actually do not want to do what is being asked.  If you submit when you don't want to with a willing heart, you will find opportunity and favor running you down.  Whether it is a parent, an employer, a supervisor, a team leader, a pastor etc..  Not willingly submitting to your authority will kill opportunities that you never knew were there. You will find that children that obey their parents most of the time get more opportunity than their siblings who do not.  You will find that a supervisor that knows that they can depend on an employee to obey and follow directions even when they do not understand the reasons are trusted with more opportunity to operate in areas that they may not be qualified for, thus positioning them for new career fields or advanced positions that will give them opportunity for more money.  This happens even if the supervisor does not like the submitted employee.  When things get done efficiently and in a timely manner, the supervisor looks good and they will use people that they can trust to do what they need them to do even if they do not like the person.  Opportunities show up from unexpected places when you willingly submit to authority, even if you don't like doing that particular item. By the way, they know when you are sincere and when you are faking it; You can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.  Today is a good day to go and get some of those missed opportunities that you never knew were there.  Sometimes beauty is hidden, but other times you can see it in plain view.  Opportunity is like that as well:  You can't see the beauty in it when you are in the process of submitting but over a period of time the beauty of what you receive shows up in plain view.  Just like this beautiful butterfly:  You cannot see the beauty in the caterpillar or the cocoon stage, but over a period of time you get to see its beauty in plain view.