Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Growing Up Types - Hope Well

Make sure that what you are hoping for is what you really want.  Many times we hope for things we see or hear about because it looks or sounds good.  Remember the old saying that the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.  That means standing in your yard and looking over your fence thinking that your neighbor's grass looks greener than yours, only to find out later that they have fake grass and you have real grass that is living and more likely to change colors from time to time.  Having things sometimes is not nearly as much fun as wanting them, because as long as it is only a want, you do not have to deal with the reality of what you have.  Once you have it that is what you have. Hope well, make sure it is what you want, it would be a shame to want something for such a long time and when you finally get it you find out that you did not want that at all.  Check out the people you want in your life. Are they going with or against you?  Decide what you want and know which way you are going!  

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Growing Up Types - If you are over 21 you are ready for Self Control

Adult Wisdom – Once you become 21 years old you must begin to learn self-control. You must now learn to control you spending (money), control your time, control your attitude toward things that you cannot control.  It is time to take care of yourself, and you will need to master self-control in order to do for yourself all of the things that your parents have done up until this time.  You must now pay your own way, your own cell phone bill, your insurance, car expenses or transportation expenses and your own rent (to your parents if you still live at home).  It is time to get control of your life and take it all into your hands.

There will always be some things that you cannot control but you have the authority and the responsibility to do what you can to take good care of yourself.
This caterpillar is responsible to take care of itself only, not the butterfly that he will become.  He is not expected to reproduce (he has no control over that) because that is the responsibility of the adult butterflies.  Now that you are 21 years or older it is all on you.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Growing Up Types – Loving People for Real

What is love? Is it on the inside or on the outside?  The answer is neither, love is not an appearance that you can see, feel or touch, love is a choice coupled with an attitude. There seem to be nothing beautiful about this caterpillar; however it is going to be a very beautiful butterfly. So if you want to love someone do not depend on looks, just make a choice to love them and have an attitude of not  being conceited or arrogant that causes you to be inflated with pride;  you must choose not to be rude (unmannerly) and not to act unbecomingly. An attitude of love does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it nor does it give any attention to a suffered wrong.  So, the next time you say to someone “I love you” make sure that there are no conditions.  They can do nothing to cause you to love them nor can they stop you from loving them because you choose who you will love and who you will not love. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Growing Up –Types: Forward Motion

Do not hate small beginning, sometimes you have to crawl before you can walk and that is a process of taking one step at a time. Remember you have to take the first step before you can take the second than the third but eventually you will get there.  After the first step, the rest comes faster and faster, but if you never start you will never know what you can do.