Word To Remember

1 Corinthians 7:37

But whoever is firmly established in his heart [strong in mind and purpose], not being forced by necessity but having control over his own will and desire, and has resolved this in his heart to keep his own virginity, he is doing well.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Take Care of Needs Before Wants

C.V. White Quote: (Spending all you have available to spend on your wants leaves your needs starving and screaming for help, “He who borrows humbles himself before people.”)

Take Care of Needs Before Wants

Adults need certain provisions in order to live comfortably.  They are shelter, clothes, food, transportation, phone and utilities to name a few. These are needs that are necessary.  They are show stoppers and are not something you can just set aside for another opportunity.  People usually, but not always, take care of their needs by becoming gainfully employed.  However, some people fail to understand the adult principle of “first things first” and do not spend their money on the show stoppers. They do not give their money the correct assignment.  They will spend their  income on other things like gadgets, electronics, extra clothes, entertainment or travel. When that happens, they have to go after someone else’s money (borrow) to take care of their needs.  Usually, it is family and friends first and if that fails loans. 

Having to go into someone else’s bank account to take care of your needs, when all you have to do is take care of them first before you did these other things is a childish behavior. That is what children do.  Children will sometimes ask to borrow certain things because they do not understand what borrowing means. They think that it means give me this or that.  They do not have anything to pay it back with because they get all of their assets from their parents, whoever that may be at the time. 

Parents teach them how to ask for things correctly.  Adults must already know how to correctly get the things that they need and want.  They must have the attitude of always being in position to lend money,  not of always needing to borrow it.  They must be good stewards of what comes into their hands. Taking care of your needs is the beginning to building an attitude of abundance that leads to the ability to be able to be the lender not the borrower. It is difficult to get people to help you when they can see that you have not been a good steward over what you have. 

Why should they make the sacrifices they need to make to take care of their show stoppers and then let a person that does not pull from their assets?  Most of the time, they will not help you continually. You may get help one or two times but eventually they will say no and at that point you must learn how to make first things first in your life, especially your finances.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Growing Up Types Follow Your Passion

There is at least one thing that most people are passionate about and that one thing can also bring joy to their lives.  When you are passionate about something you will do it with joy and without any payment, but it will pay you if you use it wisely. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Growing Up Types: The Newness of Life

CV White Quote: " To wait and see is easier if you can see the required wait"

"Adult Wisdom - Once you become an adult you may find yourself having to grow out of bad things (habits etc.) and into good things. Don’t be discouraged, keep growing. Take a lesson from a caterpillar, it looks like a creepy crawly worm but it knows that this state of its being is just temporary ,so at this point in its life it has to try not to become food for another animal during this time; because in a few weeks it is going to become a beautiful butterfly and there will be no characteristics of the worm left." Can you tell what kind of creepy crawly worm-like caterpillar this butterfly use to be? The answer should be no, and that is good, because when you understand your new place it won't be long before you are there.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Growing Up Types – Anger Management

"Adult Wisdom - Do not be a hot tempered person, be a patient person because a hot tempered person stirs up dissension, but a patient person calms a quarrel. Butterflies do not start fights even with themselves".